147 KW / 200 KS
2 X Nanni T4-200 diesel
866 / 871 working hours
Video engine in operation 1:https://youtu.be/a_jEV4URMSs
Video engine in operation 2: https://youtu.be/kNaOEjpe1qU
Complete motorization in pairs, factory installed in Antares 32 Fly, properly serviced and maintained engines in an authorized service center, removed because the owner went for stronger and newer engines.
The engines were serviced and the toothed belts changed, they work properly without any errors.
They come with complete installation and clocks, ZF 45 A hydraulic clutches with a ratio of 2.03:1. The motorbikes were registered under the HR flag to a natural person and come with all the proper documentation for re-registration.
Pro-Nautika sells engines as a service for the owner.